paint method

  1. @override
void paint(
  1. Canvas canvas,
  2. Rect rect, {
  3. double? gapStart,
  4. double gapExtent = 0.0,
  5. double gapPercentage = 0.0,
  6. TextDirection? textDirection,

Draw a horizontal line at the bottom of rect.

The borderSide defines the line's color and weight. The textDirection gap and textDirection parameters are ignored.


void paint(
  Canvas canvas,
  Rect rect, {
  double? gapStart,
  double gapExtent = 0.0,
  double gapPercentage = 0.0,
  TextDirection? textDirection,
}) {
  final Paint paint = borderSide.toPaint();
  final RRect outer = borderRadius!.toRRect(rect);
  final RRect center = outer.deflate(borderSide.width / 2.0);
  canvas.drawRRect(center, paint);